Sunday 10 July 2011


I've been rather scarce lately. And I hate getting into excuses and explanations for reasons which no one wants to know about anyway. So there will be none. If you keep but half an eye on the goings on around here you'll know that I don't have a schedule and am a brilliant at disappearing for long stretches of time. But I have the luxury (?) of writing only when and what I like. I don't like the idea of writing something just because someone is going to read it or because I have to put something up at least once a week get my drift. Bloggers, as a fellow blog-reader, I give you permission to write for you and not for me. I will want to read you because I like you and not because you write brilliantly or even regularly.

On that aside, I've changed my look. It's winter now and the cold and the wet are getting to me. I wanted something warm and cozy for my online home. I also really would love a warm and cozy bed right now with a movie and a cuppa tea. Yes, I think I might do that. And plan for soup sometime this week too.

Till next time...


  1. Love the new look! And the banner rocks! I'm a tad bit jealous that you've got some cold weather. The humidity and heat have been off the charts here this past week! =D

  2. Just stopped by your blog and enjoyed reading!

    ~ Anna
